Ellie has been working on watercolor painting this semester. This is her first big project. She chose the subject herself. It looks a little bit blurry because of the scanner. Aren't the colors beautiful?

Something often overlooked on our blogs is the ‘other’ family member that sleeps at the end of the bed. We fail to mention our fur children even though they are a huge part of our lives. Is your ‘pet’ is really the king or queen of the house? Maybe you just tolerate having an animal because the husband or kids can’t live without one. Or some of you might be ‘animal free’, take issue with ‘just another responsibility’, or find that you’re deathly allergic to dander. With as much a part of our personal lives as pets tend to be, I figured it would be good to share about our animal friends (or the lack of them).
Who doesn’t love looking at furry critters - even if they aren’t your own? Some of us spend more time inhaling them than looking at them (cat belly can be addictive). Let’s not forget the slimy froggies, swimmy fish, feathery birds and other interesting creatures that some keep, also! Do you have an exotic pet to tell about? Or a neat animal story? Have you ever rescued a wild forest animal or had something strange wander up on to your porch?
Tell us your pet history. What was your first pet? Which was your most memorable? How about today? How many pets do you have? Do they help or hinder your homeschooling?It seems like many homeschoolers begin to see the fire die out around this time of year. Yet it doesn’t always take a whole lot to get the flames burning bright again. It may be one small change in your routine. Maybe it’s trying out an idea you’ve been pondering for awhile. Or you might need to throw on a bit of kindling on to fuel that fire.
THEME: Let’s see some sparks of imagination as we encourage one another, sharing ways to get your homeschool efforts cooking again. What is something you’ve done, or thought about doing, to “fan the flame” of waning motivation?
Yes, this is the time of year when flames start to need some fanning.
To join in on the meme, go here.
We’ve been catching up and throwing out a lot of the clutter in our home this past week, and thankfully it looks as if we’ve done so! However, one thing we won’t ever really get rid of, especially in a large family, is laundry. Everyone has it, but just how much?
This question was posted at a Large Family Homeschooling fourm, and I thought it would be fun as one of the memoirs.
Question: Watching the Duggars, and other mega families [our family of 11 is small in comparison!] I was astounded at how many loads of washing. Do all large families do 7 loads a day and more, as I was thinking it sounds a little OTT?
So share all about your laundry. It’s on very rare occasion that it’s suitable to air dirty laundry. lol
I have 5 kids. One of them is in cloth diapers. Another is in dance class 3 nights a week and gymnastics. I do a lot of laundry. The diapers are done daily, but the rest I try to save for Saturdays.
I actually get some sort of sick satisfaction out of sorting the clothes into piles and throwing them in the washer. Strange, I know. Maybe it's because no one else ever hangs out in the laundry room, which makes it a kind of mom sanctuary. ;) If only there was a hot tub in there next to the washer and dryer....
I don't mind folding the clothes either. There is something relaxing about it, especially with the hum of the dryer in the background.
As much as I enjoy the beginnings of the laundry cycle, I abhor the end. They have to be put away.
The clothes sometimes end up sitting in the baskets until I start doing laundry again the next week. The kids pull a pair of underwear or a beloved shirt out of the piles during the week (of course messing up the neat piles!). But who can blame them? When they come out wearing a skirt and tank top (when it's negative 20 out) then I know that it's time to refill their dresser drawers. :)
My problem could easily be solved if I just made the kids put their own clothes away. They are plenty old enough to do the task (the older three are 9, almost 7, and almost 5).
For some reason though, it bugs me when they aren't put away neatly (which they rarely do). Like I have time to worry about what the insides of their drawers look like, right? I just need to let go and pass the task on to them. Laundry day would be much more enjoyable for me.
Oh, and how did I forget to mention the *S* word? Dare I say it? SOCKS! I can't be the only one that has a huge basket full of unmatched socks in their laundry room.
You know the deal. You need to leave the house, but have no socks in your drawer - because who really likes to match socks? So you dig through the basket, searching for 2 that are close to matching so that you can leave. Of course, it's that times 6 because the kids' socks are in there also. I about need a shovel to look through there (it's an extra-tall basket).
Eventually it gets really annoying and has to be dealt with. I put in a long movie - maybe Pride and Prejudice or Wives and Daughters and I do nothing but match. For hours.
And what is at the bottom of the basket? About 20 lonely socks that have no partner. The sockmonster has claimed his victims. They will never be seen again. Occasionally, one will fall out of a fitted sheet in a year, but by then its mate has met its fate in the trash can.
I wish I had all of the answers and I was super-duper organized. But, I'm not.
Sorry, but you won't be learning any laundry organizing tips from me today :)