Friday, February 13, 2009

My new gadget and some rambling

Yesterday was supposed to be a quiet day at home. We ended up being out of the house for about 4 hours.

I had noticed that my tires were all very low. We have an air compressor, but I forgot to have my husband teach me how to use it and how to fill the tires before he left. Yes, I know it is probably super simple, but I don't know how to do it and I was overdue for an oil change anyway, so I packed the kids up and we headed to Walmart. I like to get it done there, because then I can push the kids around the store or sit and eat at Subway instead of sitting in the lobby of jiffy lube with all of them.

So, we ate lunch and browsed. My truck is now running much better and seems to have better traction on the icy roads. I'm thankful for that!

After the oil change, I decided to stop by and see about upgrading my cell phone. I have had the "free" model for years now and I wanted something more. I don't gab on the phone much - who can with 5 kids? But, I am out of the house a lot and I would like to have access to my email during the day.

I walked out of the store with a new iPhone. I think my world has just changed!

Wow, I spent hours yesterday just trying to get it set up the way I want it. Trying to figure out how to use it. I think I'm good to go now.

It's like a little mini computer that I can take with me. I can check and send email. I can listen to music. I can surf the internet. I can get directions. I can read books (I have the Bible and a bunch of classics on there!). I can write notes (No more forgetting the grocery list at home!). I can blog from it. I can take pictures. Oh yeah, and I can even use it as a phone :)

Technology and it's daily advances never cease to amaze me.

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