Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sergeant Major Mom
Just a reminder that I have consolidated my 2 Blogger blogs and moved them to Sergeant Major Mom. If you're still visiting this blog, then you won't see any new updates! So, please move on over and visit me at my new and improved site. :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I'm moving!
I've taken the plunge and moved to Wordpress. I have a brand new blog name and design - which I'm proud to say I designed myself. :) I imported my posts from Island Academy and my other blogger blog into one.
A lot of the site is still under construction, but I decided that I just wanted to move over right now rather than double posting until I get it all set up. Please bear with me while I get used to Wordpress.
When I imported my old posts, the pictures sizes were wrong. Many of the older posts have HUMONGOUS pictures. I need to go back through and resize them, but it is going to take me a little while.
So, without further ado, here is the link:
Yes, I'm going to be Sergeant Major Mom.
I got the idea, because Nick is going through this phase right now. When I tell him to do something, he replies "Yes, Sergeant Major!". What a good little trooper he is. :)
Well, I am off to bed. I hope to see you all on the new site!
A lot of the site is still under construction, but I decided that I just wanted to move over right now rather than double posting until I get it all set up. Please bear with me while I get used to Wordpress.
When I imported my old posts, the pictures sizes were wrong. Many of the older posts have HUMONGOUS pictures. I need to go back through and resize them, but it is going to take me a little while.
So, without further ado, here is the link:
Yes, I'm going to be Sergeant Major Mom.
I got the idea, because Nick is going through this phase right now. When I tell him to do something, he replies "Yes, Sergeant Major!". What a good little trooper he is. :)
Well, I am off to bed. I hope to see you all on the new site!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Bad Wake Up Call
Guess what I woke up to this morning? A phone call from my bank, asking if I had made certain purchases. I hadn't.
Some computer geek got a hold of my debit card info and spent $2000 out of my checking account! Most of it was to a bunch of online tech and design stuff. There was also a charge to an online dating service. Apparently he (or she) is lonely.
It's working it's way through my bank's fraud department now, so hopefully the money will be back in there next week.
A few minutes after that phone call, I got a call about a house showing. Today. We hadn't had a showing in over a week, so the place was getting a bit messy.
Do you think we got ANY schoolwork done today? Of course not.
I spent a few hours cleaning the house and doing laundry and keeping the kids from making a mess.
And I still have a sore leg and am not supposed to lift over 25 lbs.
Ellie was stuck hauling the vacuum cleaner up and down the stairs and keeping track of Tori while I worked.
We rewarded the kids by taking them out to Chili's for dinner while the house was being shown.
Now I'm off to walk on the treadmill. (I have to get my one hour of walking in every day so that I don't get a blood clot).
I'm think that I'm going to veg out and watch some movies tonight.
I just wish we could move already!! I really don't enjoy the few months before a move.
Some computer geek got a hold of my debit card info and spent $2000 out of my checking account! Most of it was to a bunch of online tech and design stuff. There was also a charge to an online dating service. Apparently he (or she) is lonely.
It's working it's way through my bank's fraud department now, so hopefully the money will be back in there next week.
A few minutes after that phone call, I got a call about a house showing. Today. We hadn't had a showing in over a week, so the place was getting a bit messy.
Do you think we got ANY schoolwork done today? Of course not.
I spent a few hours cleaning the house and doing laundry and keeping the kids from making a mess.
And I still have a sore leg and am not supposed to lift over 25 lbs.
Ellie was stuck hauling the vacuum cleaner up and down the stairs and keeping track of Tori while I worked.
We rewarded the kids by taking them out to Chili's for dinner while the house was being shown.
Now I'm off to walk on the treadmill. (I have to get my one hour of walking in every day so that I don't get a blood clot).
I'm think that I'm going to veg out and watch some movies tonight.
I just wish we could move already!! I really don't enjoy the few months before a move.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Trying to Rest Up
Trying to get some rest when you have 5 very active kiddos can be hard.
I had a very painful (and ugly) varicose vein in my left leg. It showed up when I was pregnant with Kate. She seemed to be blocking off my circulation during the later months of my pregnancy. The vein only got worse as I had 3 more children after her.
I decided that it was time to do something about it, so I went and saw a vein specialist and had it fixed.
Yesterday, I had a laser treatment done on a portion of the problem area - that is where they stick a catheter up your vein and then turn the laser on it - essentially burning out the vein.
Then I had an ambulatory phlebectomy on the other part. The doctor made a lot of little holes in my leg and pulled the vein out. Ick. He asked if I wanted to see what he was pulling out, but I passed. I kind of wish I would have looked now. :)
I'm not really in very much pain. It's just uncomfortable. My leg is all wrapped up in an ace bandage and then I have compression hose on over that. I have to make sure that I walk, walk, walk so that I don't get a blood clot and I can't lift more than 30 pounds this week. Tori weighs more than that, so it's going to be a challenge. Luckily, I have Ellie around to help out with her.
Tonight I get to take the bandage off. I'm anxious to see what my leg looks like under there. It's going to be VERY bruised and I have 22 little holes with bandage strips on them. It isn't going to be pretty. Hopefully it will heal quickly though and then I'll feel better than ever!
Now if I can just take it easy this week and next. Of course I've been ferrying the kids around today and we're supposed to go bowling tonight. Looks like I'll be watching. :)
I had a very painful (and ugly) varicose vein in my left leg. It showed up when I was pregnant with Kate. She seemed to be blocking off my circulation during the later months of my pregnancy. The vein only got worse as I had 3 more children after her.
I decided that it was time to do something about it, so I went and saw a vein specialist and had it fixed.
Yesterday, I had a laser treatment done on a portion of the problem area - that is where they stick a catheter up your vein and then turn the laser on it - essentially burning out the vein.
Then I had an ambulatory phlebectomy on the other part. The doctor made a lot of little holes in my leg and pulled the vein out. Ick. He asked if I wanted to see what he was pulling out, but I passed. I kind of wish I would have looked now. :)
I'm not really in very much pain. It's just uncomfortable. My leg is all wrapped up in an ace bandage and then I have compression hose on over that. I have to make sure that I walk, walk, walk so that I don't get a blood clot and I can't lift more than 30 pounds this week. Tori weighs more than that, so it's going to be a challenge. Luckily, I have Ellie around to help out with her.
Tonight I get to take the bandage off. I'm anxious to see what my leg looks like under there. It's going to be VERY bruised and I have 22 little holes with bandage strips on them. It isn't going to be pretty. Hopefully it will heal quickly though and then I'll feel better than ever!
Now if I can just take it easy this week and next. Of course I've been ferrying the kids around today and we're supposed to go bowling tonight. Looks like I'll be watching. :)
Health and Sickness
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Happy Birthday Lexie!!

Could she really be 6 years old? Hard to believe. It's true though.
Lexie is the middle child. 2 older and 2 younger than her. I always wondered how that would feel. I was the oldest myself, so it's hard for me to imagine. I hope that she feels wrapped up in love on all sides. :)
We celebrated her birthday last weekend since I have an outpatient procedure this afternoon and didn't want to ruin her party.

She chose an ice cream cake - YUM!

Among other things, she got a little tooth fairy box. She is dangerously close to losing her first tooth. It's still hanging in there, but not much longer. She had been a bit scared about losing it, but now that she has a pretty place to put it, she thinks that it will be okay. :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Ice Alaska, Trip 1
Yes, it's that time of year again!!
I am actually thankful that it's nice and cold out and we can enjoy the beautiful ice art this month. There are a few perks to living in the Sub-Arctic!!
We made our first trip to Ice Alaska, host of the World Ice Art Championships, today.
It was about negative 3 out, so we couldn't stay as long as we would have liked. We bought a season pass though and we plan on returning a few more times before they close on March 20th.
Tori was turning into a little kidsicle and was ready to warm up.

Kate's favorite thing in the park is the giant bowl. They climb in and then can't get back out - without help! They just keep sliding to the middle. Dogpile!

There are slides for everyone - little and big. You can even take your sled down the big ones if you want to go even faster! Nick was quite the daredevil and was diving headfirst!

This is actually the top to one of the smaller slides that Ellie is standing on.

And we looked at some of the sculptures in the single block competition. There are many that have not been carved yet. By the end of the month, there will be so much to see!

And here are some pictures of my kidsicles right before we got into the nice warm truck.

Field Trips
Saturday, February 27, 2010
There is a first time for everything
Last night was the girls' first time ice skating.
I will be surprised if they can walk today. Kate will probably be one giant bruise. I know that Ellie has at least one blister.
Kids who go to school here spend recess ice skating quite often and are pretty good at it. Since we homeschool and I have a baby that can't go ice skating, we've never done it before.
I think they had a good time, but they were really ready to go inside for hot cocoa after an hour.
I suppose I should have gone with them, but I didn't have any skates. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!).
I had a good time watching them and taking pictures. I asked them if they would like to go again and they answered with a resounding NO!

I will be surprised if they can walk today. Kate will probably be one giant bruise. I know that Ellie has at least one blister.
Kids who go to school here spend recess ice skating quite often and are pretty good at it. Since we homeschool and I have a baby that can't go ice skating, we've never done it before.
I think they had a good time, but they were really ready to go inside for hot cocoa after an hour.
I suppose I should have gone with them, but I didn't have any skates. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!).
I had a good time watching them and taking pictures. I asked them if they would like to go again and they answered with a resounding NO!

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Night Owl or Early Riser??
Are you a night owl or an early riser?
By nature, I think I'm a night owl. I have a really hard time getting into bed at night. After a long (usually loud) day, I like to stay up and enjoy the peace and quiet of the sleeping house.
I multitask. I will maybe turn a movie on, do some blogging, edit some pictures, do some genealogy, catch up on bills, and tidy up the house.
I find myself staying up until at least one each night.
I stay up later and then I sleep in later. And then I don't get the kids up early enough. And then they don't go to sleep early enough the next night.
The madness must stop. I need to make myself an early riser. Even if it hurts.
I had a humongous headache last night. We didn't go anywhere yesterday and Andy got home very late from work. Being cooped up all day long with very energetic kids took its toll on my sanity. I creeped into bed a bit after nine and actually fell asleep.
And here I am at 4:30 in the morning. Awake and refreshed. In a quiet house. When Andy gets up and leaves for work, I'm going to hop on the treadmill.
I've realized that I can have the quiet time in the morning instead of in the evening. And I can get the kiddos up EARLY so that they will fall asleep quickly at night. Then I can still have a couple of quiet hours in the evening before I head to bed.
By nature, I think I'm a night owl. I have a really hard time getting into bed at night. After a long (usually loud) day, I like to stay up and enjoy the peace and quiet of the sleeping house.
I multitask. I will maybe turn a movie on, do some blogging, edit some pictures, do some genealogy, catch up on bills, and tidy up the house.
I find myself staying up until at least one each night.
I stay up later and then I sleep in later. And then I don't get the kids up early enough. And then they don't go to sleep early enough the next night.
The madness must stop. I need to make myself an early riser. Even if it hurts.
I had a humongous headache last night. We didn't go anywhere yesterday and Andy got home very late from work. Being cooped up all day long with very energetic kids took its toll on my sanity. I creeped into bed a bit after nine and actually fell asleep.
And here I am at 4:30 in the morning. Awake and refreshed. In a quiet house. When Andy gets up and leaves for work, I'm going to hop on the treadmill.
I've realized that I can have the quiet time in the morning instead of in the evening. And I can get the kiddos up EARLY so that they will fall asleep quickly at night. Then I can still have a couple of quiet hours in the evening before I head to bed.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Project 365 - Day 51
I didn't go to the emergency room prepared with my camera. :) My iPhone had to do for my photo of the day. I was impressed with the crib at the hospital! It even had a cover, so that she couldn't climb out! Wish we had one of those at home!!
Project 365
Project 365 - Day 50

She really didn't like taking her nebulizer treatments - even though they had the cutest little dinosaur mask.
Project 365
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