Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Space Rocks

Halley's Comet by Robert Marien
Halley's Comet

I just love that I am getting an education right along with the kids. There is a lot that I apparently never learned or just don't remember from grade school.

I had no idea what the differences were between a meteor, meteoroid, meteorite, asteroid, and a comet. Do you know the difference? If not, I will enlighten you:

A meteor is a meteoroid that has entered the earth's atmosphere.

A meteoroid is any of the small bodies, often remnants of comets, traveling through space.

A meteorite is a fallen meteoroid (that has landed on earth).

An asteroid is a large meteroid from 480 miles to less than one mile in diameter. Most of them are in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, orbiting the sun.

A comet is a celestial body moving around the sun, consisting of a central mass, surrounded by an envelope of dust and gas that may form a tail that streams away from the sun.

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