Complete Randomness:
* We no longer have a Christmas tree. It is so incredibly dry here - even with the humidifier going. Our tree was dehydrated and shriveled and not very merry looking. I begged Andy to get rid of it and he did. I know it's very bah humbug of me, but it just annoyed me every time I saw it. So, now are presents are under the piano instead. :)

* Yes, it's almost Christmas, and yes we still have our pumpkins on our porch. They are very frozen. I have decided that we will put them to use when we get some good wet snow (if that happens - ours usually doesn't pack). I thought that they would make great heads for some snowmen.

* The realtor came over yesterday. I took the kids to see The Princess and the Frog and I let Andy meet with him. We are going to be putting our house up on the market really soon and I'm not looking forward to the whole house-selling process. We have about 4 months before we leave, so let's hope that we can sell it before then. I would really hate to be left with a mortgage payment while it's sitting empty.
*Here is our gingerbread house for this year. Andy built it and the kiddos did the decorating. It is about picked bare now. :)

*I have to comment on Lexie's reading ability again. I am so proud of her!! She is reading so fluently and effortlessly. She read 7 chapter books in the past 2 days (they are easy - about 64 pages each). Still, she's only 5. What an accomplishment!!
*Andy took Nick out for a sled ride today. We only have a very slight hill in our yard, so Andy ended up getting quite the workout running him around.

*There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We hit the winter solstice on Monday, so our days will now start getting longer again. Thankfully. I hate being in constant darkness.

*Andy and I are such Boggle geeks. We started out years ago playing the REAL game - you know the one you actually have to shake up?? Try playing that after the kids have gone to bed! It was a bit too loud. We have since moved to the computer version and we enjoying being a perfect Boggle team. Just a few days ago we figured out that we can compete against people online and we've had lots of fun doing that when we have the time.
*My treadmill has to be fixed AGAIN. I have never been so thankful for buying an extended warranty on something before! This time, I can start the treadmill, but as soon as I get about 10 minutes into it, it just starts beeping at me and all of the controls freeze. I can't push any of the buttons anymore - though the treadmill will keep going. It's annoying and I'm hoping that it gets fixed soon. :)
*Andy and I have decided that we're going to open Christmas presents tomorrow (the 23rd). He's on leave and we have no family here and no parties or dinners or anything to go to. The presents are calling us. We decided that it would be more fun to open them tomorrow and then we'd have a few more days that he could enjoy with them before he has to return to work. Santa will still come fill stockings on Christmas morning. :)