Sunday, November 30, 2008

Handipoints Chore Charts

Thank you to my friend Michelle for passing on the link to the Handipoints website. What a great idea!!

My kids have been asking for an allowance and I have been trying to design some sort of chore chart for them. Now I have been relieved of this task :) Handipoints is a website where you can make your own custom charts for each kid. You decide how many points they earn for each task. You can also decide what their reward will be (savings, charity, a toy, spending money, a special outing etc.) and how many points they need to earn thing.

The kids actually earn 2 different types of points for their tasks. First, the "handipoints" are saved towards a reward of your choice. They also receive bonus points which they can use in Handiland (a virtual world similar to webkinz). The first part of the website is free, but there is a fee to use the handiland bonus points.

I have already printed out the kids lists for this week and they are so excited about checking off their tasks. I like that they know what is expected of them and they have a list that they can refer to - rather than me having to constantly remind them.

I will let you know how it is working a couple of weeks from now.....

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