Thursday, March 19, 2009

Heart of the Matter: Indoor Gardening

This is definitely not my area of expertise. Plants shrivel before my eyes. I think I scare them when I get near.

Maybe it's because I forget to water them? And then I overcompensate by drowning them? Just a guess.

This week's meme at Heart of the Matter is "Indoor Gardening: Best Tips and Tricks for Starting Those Spring Blooms".

I'm hoping that someone has some good advice to share, because I don't.

I have a huge greenhouse. It needs some TLC, but it has potential. The girls have their hearts set on having it full of plants this summer. I would love it too - especially since they want to do the work!!

I would love to know what is easy to grow. Our growing season is so short here in Alaska, but we have TONS of sunlight. Ever seen those mammoth-sized cabbage? You get the picture. I'm assuming that if I start some stuff inside now and then move it to the greenhouse when it starts warming up (May probably) that it will be ripe before the frost comes again.

It needs to be cleaned up, but there is a lot of room in here!

It has a huge potting bench too. Notice the dead potted plants. I think they used to be strawberries...

I will wait and hope that someone else posts some great ideas to help me get started! Oh, and I don't think that I can actually get to my greenhouse at this point in time. There is a lot of snow piled up in front of the door. These pics were taken last summer.


Christina said...

I wish I could offer advice but I kill cacti. I would grow tomatoes if I could. I've looked at those miracle-grow-upside-down-tomato-growing stands... I would kill it though. :(

Mrs. Random said...

That's a beautiful greenhouse! Sadly, I'm no better with plants than you are. I was hoping this week's meme would turn up a quick and easy solution for me too!