Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Family Virtues Guide: Flexibility

As an Army wife, I have learned to be very flexible. We never know where we'll be going next or when Andy will be sent somewhere. Even when he is here, he works long hours and isn't always home for dinner or special days.

I have learned that there are some things that I just have no control over.
Now, that doesn't mean that I am always patient about waiting as our fate is being determined by some unknown greensuiter somewhere. But, I try to roll with the punches and make the best of whatever situation we are given.

There are many things we have to do differently with Andy being gone this year. I can't be both parents at once, and I have to spread myself a bit thin to give everyone enough attention. We have adapted and the kids have stepped up to take more responsibility around the house and for themselves. I am proud of them for their ability to change and be flexible during this time.

Affirmation for this week: I am flexible. I am willing to change myself for the better. I am open to new ways to do things. When trouble comes, I ask my Creator to help me learn from it. I welcome surprises.

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