Thursday, July 17, 2008

Time to Potty Train

It's time to potty train Nick. I have been putting it off since it is so time-consuming and I didn't think I would have the time and patience to spend 10 minutes of every hour sitting in the bathroom with him. I have to spend that entire time keeping him focused on the task at hand. He would much rather pull out the whole roll of toilet paper, flush the toilet 500 times in a row, overflow the sink with water, or jump into the bathtub fully clothed. After 3 girls, I have been dreading potty training a boy.

It is becoming very evident though that he is ready. He has started going in his mini urinal more often (this is the coolest thing!) I was so afraid of him trying to stand on a stepstool at the toilet and falling in. Now he can stand up like a big boy. It even has a little tank to fill so that you can flush it :)

I just have to start asking him if he has to go and take the time to sit with him in there. I should probably be doing that right now while we're off from schoolwork.

Anyway, it is also becoming evident that he no longer wants to do #2 in his pants. This morning, when I went into his bedroom, he was standing on top of his dresser (yes with a broken toe) completely naked, with a bazillion baby wipes all over the place. He had taken his diaper off and gone poo on the floor (yes on the white carpet). He was then cleaning himself off and had already pulled out new clothes to put on. So thoughtful of him :) Apparently the thought of going in his diaper is so gross that he would rather go on his bedroom floor. This was not a mess that was fun to clean up!

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