Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer schooling

Sonne by Margrethe Hansen

I think that next summer we will either take a much shorter break, or we will do "half days". The kids have had 6 weeks off now and they keep telling me they are BORED and they are watching way too much TV. The only reasons we are taking the entire summer off is 1.I just had a baby 5 weeks ago and 2. Andy is deploying in the fall and I want to make sure that we have enough family time.

I have been kicking the kids outside everyday :) It's been in the 70s and beautiful out. I have to keep reminding them that when winter comes, they will have wished that they had spent more time out in the fresh air while they had the chance. Unfortunately, they are being eaten alive by mosquitoes and chased around (they insist they are being swarmed but I don't believe it) by some strange black flying "pincher" bugs. I'm not sure what they are exactly, but I have heard that they do bite. They play fine until a bug lands on one of them, and then they turn hysterical and want to come inside again :( I really wish they would just brush them off and keep playing....

Anyway, with all of their classes being out and them not having schoolwork to do, they seem unable to come up with fun stuff on their own. Next summer we will be sure to have a lot of outdoor freetime, but I think we will keep up with a morning school schedule - to keep us all happy :)

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