Monday, May 5, 2008


Ellie's history notebook from this year. Isn't it getting thick???
I really love notebooking. It's so neat to look through the kids' notebooks at the end of the year and see everything they have learned, written, and created. When we started homeschooling a few years ago, I would simply have Ellie draw a picture and either label it or write a short sentence about it. It is such a treasure to look back through her kindergarten year and see everything that she created.
I have since purchased a number of notebooking pages from various sites and they have helped us in our notebooking journey. I still make my own when needed and sometimes the kids still simply draw a picture with a caption to add. Ellie is older now though and I usually require more writing from her. I still like to have her add pictures to make it prettier for her notebook.

Here are some of the resources we are currently using/have used:

3. Blackline Maps of World History and Blackline Maps of American History at
4. The Map Aids CDs that go along with Tapestry of Grace
5. (I love the animal pages the animal study pages they offer)
6. (I really love these pages!)
7. Dover Coloring Books (available at Rainbow Resource Center or
8. Social Studies Activity Books from Mark Twain Publishing by Cindy Barden (There are different workbooks on topics like "The Roaring 20s", "The Civil War" etc. and they have worksheets with writing assignments and vocabulary on them).

1 comment:

E-S said...

Thanks for the info on notebooking.
I'm going back to it and it's been a while. :)