Saturday, November 15, 2008

Opposite of Yesterday

If yesterday was peaceful, today was hectic.

I dropped the kids off at respite care this morning so that I could enjoy some grown-up time and shop at a craft show with a friend.

I got a call from one of the childcare workers saying that Lexie had been crying non-stop since I left and she wasn't eating. So, our shopping was cut short and we skipped our lunch plans :(

I picked up all of the kids and took Ellie and Kate to a Girl Scout craft day. Then I took Ellie to a birthday party at the bowling alley.

I had been gone from the house for 10 hours by the time I got back. I am exhausted!
I am thankful though that I got some Christmas shopping done and that the kids are pretty tired too from getting up so early today. Hopefully we will all have a pleasant night of blissful sleep.......

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